Board Reviews

How is your Board performing? Is it fully contributing to a thriving business? Do Board members work well together? Could any element of Board performance be better?

A characteristic of high performing Boards, as with high performing individuals or teams, is a continuous drive to improve.  A Praesta Board review gives a Board an invaluable opportunity to reflect on its performance and to consider how it could be improved upon.

Your Praesta team brings their combined experience of Board membership and superb coach training to help bring about increased clarity and energy to Board performance. Board dynamics can be complex and we are comfortable in that complexity.

A Praesta Board review includes the standard full check of regulatory requirements and regular board functions of strategy review, risk management, committee structures and processes, stakeholder management etc.

This part of the review gives comfort both to the Board and its external stakeholders that the Board is meeting its regulatory and governance requirements.

But this review goes further and involves the Board members in reflecting on their relationship dynamics, how well they support board effectiveness, and if and how they could be strengthened.

Our experience as members and reviewers of Boards over the years is that it is often in the reflection on the ‘softer’ areas of Board performance that a real improvement can be made.

Have a conversation with us to explore how a Praesta Board Review might help the talent on your Board and in your organisation to thrive.